Saturday, January 26, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt

Hoi lamanyeeeeeeeee tak update blog.Berkepam kepam bau kat sini kan.By the way,right now I'm just finish up my final examination.Fuh fuh..*sambil lap bahu kiri bahu kanan

Okaylah lets me share something.Actually this semester was my final year for my bachelor.Damn susah giler kot! Soklan semester ni seriosly gila susah! Baca buku ke tak baca ke cehh still I can;t make it easy.Dah la semua 4 credit hour.Warghhh.....nak nangis la kalau macam ni.For your information,the question that been asked basically need your own opinion.Ala-ala KBKK.But then,kenapa time kitorang? Life doesnt fair you know!

People yg selalu lahir bulan 1990 ni la yg selalu terjadi segala mak bapak perubahan.
As we all know pertukaran Science and Mathematic in English time kitorang. Pertukaran waktu diploma and degree kitorang jugak.Alahaii...wrong time to be born you know.What so ever jangan salahkan takdir.Tetibe merenung masa hadapan.Hak hak hak :P

Okay la daripada lahir zaman komunis tak ke kurus makan ubi kayu je kan!
Bersyukur mieja bersyukur..

By the way,Happy New Year yeah.
Eh eh..dah nak habis January baru nak wish kan!
What so ever it still new year
Iye saya tahu sudah terlambat!


Keep Calm and enjoy for the next entry.

If you love this entry.Do some comment okay..!!^-^

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